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As The Quantity Of Garlic Goes Into Storage, The Price Goes Up

As The Quantity Of Garlic Goes Into Storage, The Price Goes Up

After the domestic garlic market stabilized for a month, the warehousing volume gradually increased, leading to an increase in export prices. However, the rate of increase in overseas market prices is slower than that in China's domestic market, resulting in an upside-down phenomenon in some markets. Recently, Christian accepted an interview with FRESH PLAZA. "In terms of domestic purchases, the China Garlic Price was relatively stable in June. The price of mixed garlic with a diameter of 5-5.5cm has been 1.15 yuan/jin -1.20 yuan/jin, with little change. Until June 24, the purchase price started to creep up. On July 21st, the price of general mixed grade garlic in Jinxiang area was 1.65-1.73 yuan/jin, the price of medium mixed grade was about 1.78-1.85 yuan/jin, and the price of large mixed grade was about 1.85-1.95 yuan/jin. " Christian said, “This season’s purchase price was about three times higher than garlic price 2019 of 4 yuan per jin. The low price attracted a large number of stockholders to enter the market in early July. The increase in warehousing, coupled with many vendors buying and hoarding outside the warehouse, has further promoted the increase in prices. "Considering the problem of garlic germination, storage is expected to last until August 20th. Due to the large output and low price of garlic this season, the storage volume is likely to exceed 4 million tons, breaking the historical inventory record."In terms of exports, many overseas markets have recently been sluggish. In some markets, import prices have even been higher than market sales prices, which is an upside-down phenomenon. This is mainly due to the large overseas purchases in May and June, and these goods have not yet been sold out , coupled with the impact of the public crisis, resulting in a small import volume in July. At present, we export about 4 containers per week, which is slightly lower than normal. Christian said. "How the garlic market will change in the next few weeks depends mainly on the follow-up efforts of storage companies and the public crisis in overseas markets."

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